Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Grudges of a Disgruntled Daughter

I wish she would just stop saying things. Why can't she ever just let us rant our guts out and speak and swear when we're angry? Is anybody going to die everytime we cuss? Is anybody going to get injured? No.
You might say that yes, someone does get hurt when we do that, but that's all emotional pain. No one should really care. Everybody's feelings get hurt everyday anyway. Why should we be any different?
I just wish that she would stop saying anything. She's starting to sound 1>self-righteous and 2>overly dramatic. It is not a good thing.
It's like she's never been able to get a good grasp of who we are. Of what we're like. Of our little idiosyncrasies, pet peeves, and quirks. To think that we have been living in the same house since we were born.
To think that we were raised by this woman.
And yet, she knows us not.