Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Why the heck am i still awake?

It is 4:07 am, according to the clock on my pc. Why the heck am I still up, writing my very first entry into my blog site? (the clock just flipped to 4:08, by the way.)
truth? i have no idea. it's like, something's just making me do this. i just decided to get a blog site, the reason being, at least i can say anything i like about whatever. i can even put up any stories i write here, and people can read them and tell me what they think, without actually having to face them. but....
is it really worth it? is blogging really for me? will I, like countless others, be happy with this blog site? or will i just cancel the account, as i have done with many an impulsive sign-up to a whatever account?
maybe i'll like it. maybe I won't. who knows? who really cares? i mean, besides me, of course.....
(the clock is now saying 4:13. it is mocking me.)